
30 minute scenic seaplane flight!!

30 minute sightseeing flight for two with Seattle Seaplanes.

Minimum bid: $100

Birthday party organizer!!

Steffie, the preschool teacher has generously offered to organize a kids birthday party. She can do up to 10 kids, 3 hours, facepaint, activities, fun, games....this can happen at someones house, garden, beach, where ever they want to party. She will be the default person dealing with the kids, playing and enjoying the birthday, so the parents can chat and relax and not stress out? As she will be gone all summer, this would have to happen in the new school year??


Pre-K Kangaroo Print

laminated marble art placemats

Do you want to appreciate Marienkaefer art while you are eating? Do you need some new place mats to protect your table? Then these are for you!

Beautiful laminated Marienkaefer marble-art place mats. 

Minimum bid (set of 2-- 7 sets are available) $8

Highest bid to date: 

Artwork by the kindergarten/1st graders

Is it Klee? Is it Hundertwasser? NO! Its a collaboration of the SAGA Kindergarten/1st grade. Each child was responsible for one quadrant, resulting in this awesome collage of sworls.

image 1 (black)  minimum bid: 

highest bid to date: 

image 2 (greens and orange) minimum bid: 

highest bid to date: 


Marienkaefer (Gaudi inspired coasters)

We are selling ten sets of 4 coasters each, starting bidding at $20 per set of 4 coasters.

This picture displays 4 of the ten bundles. This work was inspired by our trip around the world, in particular representing "Unsere Reise nach Spanien" and looking at Gaudi's art work.

Minimum bid: $20

Hoa Salon Gift certificate

$50 Hoa Salon voucher. The Hoa salon is Seattle's award winning spa pedicure salon-- voted by Evening Magazine as the "Best Manicure & Pedicure in Seattle" 2010 and 2011. They are located at 5350 Ballard Ave NW. 

Find out more about the services they offer here

Highest bid to date: $25