The SAGA School provides something unique in Seattle: An immersive language school, where even children with no prior exposure to a foreign language quickly develop familiarity and then fluency in German. Public schools today face over-crowding, high student-to-teacher ratios, and continued cuts in their curriculum. The SAGA School offers something unique to our parents: small classes, individual attention, music and singing, creative play and physical activity, and the foundation for lifetime language development. You may know that a few months ago the Seattle School District informed SAGA that it will reopen John Marshall in September 2013, providing interim classrooms to neighboring schools undergoing renovations as well alleviating general overcrowding. The District has been a good partner to the SAGA School and we are fortunate that we will complete the entire 2012-2013 academic year in our wonderful classrooms at John Marshall before moving to our new home during summer 2013.
The SAGA School receives no government funding. You, through the volunteer hours you contribute, and your financial generosity make SAGA’s unique immersive language program possible. The 2012 SAGA Silent Auction will provide critical funding to help our school acquire a new facility and to make our new home every bit as warm and welcoming as John Marshall.
On behalf of our students today and tomorrow, thank you for your contribution to SAGA’s future.
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